Accounting Weekly

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Trade Conditions Looking Up, Says SACCI

The latest report from the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) for June 2024 shows a brighter future for trade. Although the Trade Activity Index (TAI) is not yet in positive territory, with only 47% of respondents feeling good about the current state, there's a growing optimism, as 55% expect things to get better in the next six months.

This positive shift follows recent elections and efforts by the new Government of National Unity to tackle economic challenges together. Improvements are noted in sales, new orders, and deliveries, but high costs still worry businesses, which could affect future prices and interest rates.

Stable energy supplies and lower fuel costs have helped, but the sectors like retail and hospitality are still trying to recover from earlier losses. Overall, the outlook is hopeful.

Read SACCI’s Trade Conditions Survey for more details.