Cost and management accounting are traditional tools that have been used for years to identify, measure, analyse, interpret and communicate financial and non-financial information to assist management in decision-making and overall control of the organization’s operations.
However, there is an even more strategic tool called “strategic management accounting” which serves as a bridge between strategy formulation and implementation by providing decision-makers with the information and analysis they need to make informed choices that align with the organisation’s strategic objectives and enhance its competitive position in the market.
What you will learn
By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies:
To clearly define and explain the scope of cost, management, and strategic management accounting and show how these distinct disciplines are different from each other
To clarify how these disciplines, though different, relate and feed into each other to ultimately achieve the strategic purposes of organisations
To highlight the roles that each of these disciplines play within organisations
To examine the tools and techniques applied by each of these disciplines
To emphasise the importance of applying all of these tools in order for an organization to maintain its competitive advantage and strategic intent