Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

Grace Period Expires for New Accountable Institutions to comply: 19 June 2024

As the 18 months grace period is nearing for new Accountable Institutions (AIs) it is crucial to ensure full compliance with the amended Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FIC Act). This series begins by identifying which entities, including advocates, crypto service providers, and high-value goods dealers, must now register as AIs.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

Avoid Criminal Charges with Due Diligence Processes

In this article we look at how the revised anti-corruption legislation can now hold companies criminally liable for failing to prevent corruption. This guide covers the new obligations for companies, the importance of robust anti-corruption measures, especially with third-party consultants and contractors, and the global implications for South Africa's standing with the Financial Action Task Force

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

From Necessary Evil to Strategic Asset: Timesheets in Accounting

Explore the transformative benefits of a time recording system as we discuss how it can boost productivity of an accounting practice, assist in managing staff and facilitates precise billing. Learn about how to set up your system, selecting the right tools and utilising timesheet reports for improved decision-making and streamlined business operations.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

A Simple Guide to Effective Working Papers

Explore the crucial role of working papers in accounting for accurate, transparent financial reporting. Learn how they help keep financial statements error-free and provide a solid defense during audits. Our guide covers the essentials of working papers, from recording steps to backing up claims, and details on cross-referencing and the use of tick marks for efficient review processes.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

Knowing your client = better financial statements

Find out how accountants can master the art of compiling financial reports with a deep understanding of clients' businesses, industry standards, in compliance with legal requirements like the Companies Act and FRS for SMEs. Gain insights into transforming client data into accurate financial statements and offering strategic advice for informed decision-making. Find a handy checklist that you can use to document your work.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

The first building block of success: Terms of Engagement and how to get it right

Discover the critical role of clear terms of engagement in producing accurate and trustworthy financial statements. Learn how a well-defined engagement letter, aligned with ISRS 4410 standards, ensures transparency and integrity in financial reporting. What information is necessary to include and how can accountants make sure that they derive benefit from its use. Download CIBA’s template Engagement Letter for compiling financial statements.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

Fee guideline for accountants

Creating a successful pricing strategy for an accounting practice goes beyond just setting fees; it's about demonstrating the value your services add to your clients' businesses. This guide explores effective pricing methods, from straightforward hourly rates for essential bookkeeping and tax services to more nuanced approaches like value-based pricing. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between billable and non-billable hours to ensure comprehensive coverage of both client work and operational necessities.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

9 steps to managing your time effectively

Effective time management is key to professional success and personal balance. In this article we explore essential time management strategies for accountants to boost efficiency, balance work-life, and achieve professional success. Learn how SMART goals, the Eisenhower Matrix, and effective tools can transform your accounting practices.

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Staff Writer Staff Writer

Boosting team spirit: Understanding what drives accountants

In the fast-paced field of accounting, having a team that's eager to work is crucial for success. However, motivating each person isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Explore nine critical motivating factors motivators and how they can enhance the performance of accounting teams.

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Staff Writer Staff Writer

A roadmap to sustainable success: A comprehensive checklist for businesses 

In today's business landscape, sustainability is paramount. IFAC's Small Business Sustainability Checklist offers a comprehensive guide to navigate environmental, social, and governance aspects. Learn how this checklist helps in identifying areas for improvement, aligning strategies with goals, and embracing sustainability as a driver of success

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Leigh Schaller Leigh Schaller

With AI, is your client's data safe? 

Client data security is a concern for accountants using AI. Experts at the Practice Management Conference unpacked why human behaviour remains the weakest link.

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