Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

Beneficial Ownership Reporting: A Global to Local Perspective

South Africa intensifies its battle against money laundering and terrorist financing with the launch of the Beneficial Ownership Register by the CIPC. Aligned with global standards and FATF recommendations, this move marks a significant stride towards transparency and integrity in the corporate sector, aiming to eradicate illicit financial flows and bolster the nation's financial standing on the global stage.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

CIPC to require company verification after cyber scare

Following a targeted cyber attack on its system, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) is taking decisive action. The breach was swiftly contained and led to no visible data loss. CIPC is now enhancing digital defenses by rebuilding the compromised system and introducing additional security measures, including mandatory password verifications for users. These steps underscore CIPC's commitment to cybersecurity and the safety of stakeholder information.

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Eszter Rapanos Eszter Rapanos

CIPC news summary February 2024

In our latest article we give you a summary update for the month of February covering key developments including efforts of CIPC to maintain corporate compliance, pivotal court rulings enhancing transparency, to the launch of services aimed at safeguarding intellectual property rights. We also share insights on addressing security breaches effectively to protect sensitive data. Plus, find out about educational opportunities that sharpen expertise in the intellectual property domain. This concise overview ensures you're well-informed on developments crucial for business and legal compliance.

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Eszter Rapanos & Nicolaas van Wyk Eszter Rapanos & Nicolaas van Wyk

CIPC's System Updates: Insights for Accountants

This article provides an overview of the recent CIPC updates discussed in the stakeholder meeting on 27 February 2024, including beneficial ownership reporting and foreign assurance automation. It offers practical advice for accountants to navigate these changes, ensuring compliance and guiding their clients through the regulatory landscape.

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Staff Writer Staff Writer

CIPC news summary January 2024

Stay compliant and secure with the latest CIPC updates. Uncover insights on registration, enhanced director amendments, and guard against unauthorised use.

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